Buckethead is an American musician, predominantly a guitarist.
Several of the tracks from this album have been used on the albums Forensic Follies and Needle in a Slunk Stack. Crime Slunk Scene, Peppers Ghost, Decoding the Tomb of Bansheebot. Buckethead figure crafted from a nice man out down Texas way. Travis Dickerson - Additional guitar recording.
Dan Brewer Monti - Programming and production. Buckethead vytvoril zo seba záhadnú osobnos. " Slunk Parade AKA Freaks in the Back" - 3:14 máj 1969) je americký gitarista a skladate, vlastným menom Brian Carroll.Poznávacím znakom je biela umelá maska a kýblik od KFC, oblepený oranovou páskou s nápisom FUNERAL (v preklade pohreb).V poslednej dobe vymenil kýblik za biely, bez loga KFC. " Soothsayer" (Dedicated to Aunt Suzie) - 9:04. Buckethead - Decoding the Tomb of Bansheebot(2007) Uploaded 11-13 2007, Size 107. " Gory Head Stump 2006: The Pageant of the Slunks" - 5:31 Uploaded 10-27 2007, Size 55.57 MiB, ULed by Joepurdy: 0: 1: Audio. Eventually, the repressing of the album became available on April 12, 2007. When the pre-orders got to a certain amount, the re-pressing of the album was OK'd. However, as future projects took up a lot of time, fans were asked to pre-order the re-pressing of the album, with no set date for when the album would be re-released. BUCKETHEAD CRIME SLUNK SCENE FLAC ARCHIVE
Travis Dickerson, who runs TDRS Music, decided to attempt a re-pressing of the disc. Concerts in the Live Music Archive are available for download and streaming in formats including flac, mp3, and ogg vorbis.
The remaining copies of the album were sold out and the album became out of print but the demand for it was very high. The album was originally released on tour on Septemand all the copies from the original pressing sold out during the concert.